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Elise FT & Quest


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VRChat (Quest)VRChat (Quest)

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Additional Information



・❥・ PC & Quest

・❥・ GogoLoco, Face tracking


Face tracking Has Entire Outfit As Color & Hue. Quest Has No Extra Bottoms, Tops, Panties, Customizing, Etc.


・ OUTFITS: Main Bra, Corset Top, Bodysuit, Dress, Outfits OFF, Cross Wings Cape, Fishnet Sleeves

・ CORSETS: Short Corsets, Long Corset, Corset OFF

・ PANTIES: Horns Pantie, Bow Pantie, Pantie OFF

・ SHOES: Fishnets Boots, Boots, Heels, Heels OFF

・ ACCESSORIES: Arm Cuffs, Body Snowflakes, Candy Cane, Choker, Christmas Lights, Face Snowflakes, Gloves, Santa Hat, Snow

・BOTTOMS: Main Skirt, Cross Skirt, Shorts, Bottoms OFF, Leg Wraps


Eyes: Eyes Sat, Eyes Hue

Hair: Hair Sat, Hair Hue, Emission, Emission Sat, Emission Hue, Glitter, Hair Fluffy, Fluffy Jewelry Hair, Long Hair, Pigtails, Horns, Tail

Outfit: All Outfit Have Different Colors / Hue


Extra: Horns Moving, Hand Moving, Blinking, Pole, Kiss, Boop, Headpat


zinpia: Base | | Starlynn - Starlight Head | YingYangVR - Starlight Face Texture | meeva - full main set | meeva - shorts | toastysocks - wraps | takai - bodysuit | thiccwitch - corset top | sweetmayo - back knives | saikura - all hairs | devilishsly - face wraps | Vinuzhka - Dress | nessy - Boots | miyu_ - Body Chain | xutza - rings | SUperNovae - Talisman | meltingarmymen - bones | .mikyra. - hands | Vinuzhka - Horns |


No manual
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