『Rococo Dress』Skinned Marubodi support

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Additional Information
3 meshs: hood, choker, rococo dress
The material is divided into small pieces.
If you do not need hands, etc., please use this to remove unnecessary parts.
The shape key for the breast adjustment is in the material RococoUp.
■Dynamic Bone
Skirt Root Left(Right)Skirt BSD FSD Skirt FR BC
This product is being sold as a countermeasure to the problem of credit card payments for foreign Booth.
The same product is also listed in Booth and gumroad.The contents are the same as Booth and gumroad .
□Copyright holder: Mito (Twitter: https://twitter.com/mito3dcg)
Update History
2020.04.05 Booth clothing model for sale
2023.03.04 Nemia adjusted for Marubodi
2023.03.21 Added dress color white (Mat_Nenmir_RococoDress_White)